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contact info for Kentucky Storytelling Association: P O Box 4148, Frankfort, KY 40604-4148  secretary@kystory.org


The Kentucky Storytelling Association has no paid staff. We thrive through the work of volunteers.  Help is needed, wanted, valued, and appreciated. Please, volunteer by contacting volunteers@kystory.org or visiting Volunteer.

Programs Committee: The Programs Committee proposes conferences, workshops, and performance venues to the Board and coordinates such activities upon approval by the Board. Most of the work is done in subcommittees who need volunteers with a wide variety of skills.

Conference Subcommittee plans and staffs the annual Kentucky Storytelling Conference. Many volunteers are needed to support this work. Advance jobs include site selection, packet-stuffing, publicity (writing, distributing, graphic design), grant-writing, organizing and soliciting door prizes. At the conference jobs include emcees, room chairs, registration workers, directional sign placers, photographers, and more! To volunteer: volunteers@kystory.org and say you want to help with the Conference.

Kentucky Storytelling Month Subcommittee September is Kentucky Storytelling Month. This subcommittee develops materials to help others create events to celebrate KY Storytelling Month; writes and distributes press releases and other publicity to encourage participation in KY Storytelling Month activities, and requests a KY Storytelling Month proclamation from the Office of the Governor. To volunteer: StorytellingMonth@kystory.org

Kentucky Youth Storytelling Subcommittee conducts the annual Kentucky Youth Storytelling Program. Volunteers help with publicity(writing, graphic design, distributing), judging, and more. To volunteer: kys@kystory.org

Wandering Storytellers Subcommittee conducts the monthly Wandering Storytellers KSA fund-raising performance & open mic. Needed volunteers include greeters, storytellers, door-prize donors, publicists (writers, graphic designers, distributors), photographers, and emcees. To volunteer: Wanderingtellers@kystory.org

Cave Run Story Slam Subcommittee KSA has produced a family-friendly story slam for the Cave Run Storytelling Festival near Morehead, KY since 2013. Needed volunteers include material set-up, judges, time-keeper, score-runner, photographer, and more. To volunteer: CRslam@kystory.org

Membership Committee: If you enjoy making contact with members and potential members, finding out what’s on their minds, and considering how KSA can best serve them, this is the committee for you. You can learn about KSA’s current Member benefits here. Help is needed with telephoning, writing, data interpreting, and more. To volunteer: membership@kystory.org

Finance Committee: This committee oversees and monitors the fiscal affairs of the KSA, recommends changes in fiscal practice, and develops a proposed annual budget for presentation to the Board. Do you enjoy creating budgets, monitoring money, and financial planning? This committee is for you! To volunteer: finance@kystory.org  

Communications Committee: This committee maintains contact with all the other KSA Committees and the Board of Directors in order to relay information to the membership of the KSA. They also help deliver news about KSA to the world outside of KSA too. Most of the work is done in the subcommittees listed below. To volunteer:  Communications@kystory.org

Newsletter Editor: The newsletter editor is responsible for putting together the quarterly KSA newsletter.  To submit articles for the newsletter or to help create the newsletter (editors, writers, proofreaders all needed). To volunteer: Newsletter@kystory.org  

Website Subcommittee: This subcommittee communicates with KSA’s webmaster to update the KSA website.  Help needed:

·        Someone to frequently use the KSA website to test every link, every form, and make sure all internal navigation is working properly.

·        Someone to work with various KSA Program Subcommittees to be sure information about each program is clear and up-to-date.

·        Writers and proofreaders to assist in creation of website content.

·        People to handle specific parts of the site as listed below.

To volunteer: website@kystory.org

·        Event Calendar, The Event Calendar editor attempts to include any open to the public storytelling event in Kentucky and nearby areas of adjoining states on the website Event Calendar. It is updated approximately once a month. To volunteer: Calendar@kystory.org


·        Directory  The KSA Directory of Storytellers is a paid listing of storytellers who choose to advertise their services on the KSA website. The directory editor

o   sends notices to current storytellers listed when renewal payments are due

o   assists those who want to purchase a listing or revise a current listing

o   encourages tellers to join the Directory.  

To volunteer: Directory@kystory.org (one person job; currently filled)


·        Links  The Links editor manages the links page of the website, including writing annotations for specific links and organizing them on the links page. To volunteer: Links@kystory.org  (one person job; currently filled)


Publicity Subcommittee: Do you enjoy writing press releases and articles?  Do you enjoy spreading the word about events? The publicity committee provides publicity and public relations assistance for all other KSA committees including:

·        assistance writing and reviewing press releases

·        assistance planning distribution of press releases and other publicity materials

·        writing and creating KSA information packets for Outreach events

This committee needs writers, editors, proofreaders, organizers, marketers, and more. To volunteer: publicity@kystory.org 


Outreach Subcommittee: This Subcommittee identifies Outreach Partners for KSA and lines up volunteers as needed to staff outreach events. Learn more about Outreach Partners here. To volunteer: Outreach@kystory.org

Fundraising Committee: The Fundraising Committee investigates potential activities to generate funds and explores grant opportunities and develops proposals. If you enjoy acquiring money and have skills in writing, editing, proofreading, envelope stuffing, reading/understanding/writing grant applications, or researching foundations/other funding sources, then this committee is for you. To volunteer: Fundraising@kystory.org.

Nominating Committee: The Nominating Committee is a three-member committee. One is the immediate past-President, who bylaws decree may not chair this committee. Nominating Committee Members may not run for election during their service on this committee. Their duties include:

·        Identifying potential candidates for election to the Board of Directors.

·        Facilitating the annual election of members to the Board.

·        Recommending candidates to fill interim vacancies on the Board.

·        Accurately describing Board member and KSA Officer responsibilities to potential candidates.

·        Consulting with anyone who volunteers for Board service.

Contact nominating@kystory.org to learn how you can serve on the KSA Board or to volunteer your services to help this committee with its work.

Audit Committee: The Audit/Financial Review Committee conducts a yearly review of the KSA financial records and submits a report of their findings to the KSA Board at the February Board Meeting. The Audit Committee has a brief yearly task each January. If you are available then, and you understand financial records (you have an accounting background or you at least balance your own checking account) and/or you have an interest in learning details of KSA finances, volunteer:  Audit@kystory.org

Orientation Committee This Committee assists all KSA Board members in understanding and learning their jobs. It is also charged with revising and updating the Board Manual as needed. Skills needed are writing, proofreading, knowledge of KSA policies, and willingness to research non-profit best practices on behalf of KSA. To volunteer: orientation@kystory.org

Inventory Committee: This committee is charged with conducting an annual inventory of KSA property, identifying what is owned and where it is currently being stored, and presenting an annual report to the Board at the February Board meeting. Skills needed: willingness to study previous inventory list and to contact all KSA officers and committees to learn the current holdings of KSA. Note: The sort of property KSA owns include flip chart easels, storage bins, paper, -- lots of typical office supplies, but these items are spread out among various officers and committees because KSA does not have an office. Verifying what is stored where and updating the findings yearly is the work of this committee. To volunteer contact inventory@kystory.org (one person job; currently filled)

Ad hoc Committees: The KSA Board has the power to create additional committees for specific tasks. Unlike standing committees, which exist all the time, ad hoc committees exist to complete the specific task assigned. To learn if there are any ad hoc committees who need help, please contact the KSA President at President@kystory.org  or contact volunteers@kystory.org

Copyright 2006-2024 by Kentucky Storytelling Association. All Rights Reserved. Web site maintained by Kate Dudding