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contact info for Kentucky Storytelling Association: P O Box 4148, Frankfort, KY 40604-4148  secretary@kystory.org

2023 Conference Schedule

Green font shows KDLA-approved 11.75 contact hours for Kentucky's public librarians.


About Open Mics: All are welcome to tell a story -maximum length 7 minutes, so if your story is longer, tell an excerpt and folks can ask you about the rest later!


Friday evening, November 3

6:30 - 7:30 Registration

7:00 - 7:30 Singing the Evening In - a sing along before the formal sessions begin (Room A) (.5)

You'll learn a few easy-to-learn and easy- to-lead songs and other musical activities you can use in your storytelling programs to connect stories and/or to regain listeners' attention.

7:30 - 9:30 Evening Concert (Room A) "The Wisdom and Wonder of Folktales" with Heather Forest, and more. (2 hours)

Folktales and fables from around the world come to life in the imagination of the listener as Heather Forest spins her tales. Her unique minstrel style of storytelling is a weave of vivid language, original music, and the sung and spoken word. This program, selected from Ms. Forest's award-winning books: Wonder Tales from Around the World and Wisdom Tales from Around the World, celebrates stories that contain kernels of homespun wisdom passed down through the oral tradition. Although these stories span time and place and come from cultures around the globe, they show us the commonality of human experience.


Saturday, November 4

8:00 - 9:00 Registration

8:30 - 9:00 Singing the Morning in - another sing-along! (Room A) (.5)

Join a different song-leader who will model another way to use songs and musical activities in your storytelling programs.

9:00 Greetings and Announcements (Room A)

9:15 - 10:15 Keynote (Room A) "Ancient Voices: Epic and Classic Tales" by Heather Forest (1 hour)

Heather Forest's elegant prose, musicality and evocative drama offer listeners a fresh look at some of the oldest stories in the world. Pivotal episodes from both well-known and little-known classics are masterfully retold for relevance to modern listeners. Woven into the talk are interactive tips on bringing old tales to life.


10:15 - 10:25 Break

10:25 - 11:35 Workshop Breakout Sessions (1.25)

*        Workshop (Room A) A Moment in Time by Judy Baker

How to research, develop and present a historical character.


*        Workshop (Room B) Telling Your Personal Story by Pam Cropper-Vice

Everybody has a story.  Learn to tell yours.


*        Workshop (Room D) Storytelling Games: Having Fun While Creating Stories Together by Mary Hamilton

Play a variety of storytelling games in this interactive session.

11:35 - 11:45 Break

11:45 - 12:55 Workshop (Room A) - The Magic of Words: Storytelling Art & Technique by Heather Forest (1.25)


12:55 - 2:15 Lunch on your own

2:15 - KSA Annual Membership Meeting (Room A)

3:15 - 3:45 Open Mic (Room A) (.5)

3:45 - 3:55 Break

3:55 - 5:10 Workshop Breakout Sessions (1.25)

*        Workshop (Room A) Stepping Out of the Box with Props by September Cardiff

Learn ways to enhance or tell a story through props.


*        Workshop (Room B) You Don't Know Jack by Octavia Sexton

Create and tell your own Jack Tale!


*        Workshop (Room D) A Story is a Woven Thing by Ray Mendenhall

Explore story creation as the process of weaving a "tapestry."


5:10 - 6:10 Open Mic (Room A) (1:00 credit)

6:10 - 8:00 Supper on your own

7:30 - 8:00 Singing the Evening In - and yet another sing-along! (Room A) (.5)

Experience singing familiar songs with the intent of using them to gather people in or to close out a storytelling program.

8:00 - 10:00 Evening Concert (Room A) "Tales of Womenfolk" by Heather Forest, plus open mic (2)

This collection of folktales told in song, poetry and prose, features multicultural "sheroes" who, unlike the passive fairytale princesses who wait to be saved by the prince, are courageous and resourceful and embody many diverse facets of strength, from intelligence to wit to physical prowess to undaunted optimism. From comedy to drama, this wide pallet of tales is an entertaining and poignant celebration of contemporary femininity.

Copyright 2006-2024 by Kentucky Storytelling Association. All Rights Reserved. Web site maintained by Kate Dudding